Do you ever;
• suffer with bloating, reflux, nausea, discomfort, pain or embarrassing gas?
• feel you need to keep close a toilet 'just in case'?
• struggle with constipation, diarhhoea or swing between both?
• feel uncomfortable in your clothes with a distended tummy by the end of the day?
• react from the gut when your stressed or anxious?
• have trouble with brain fog, memory or concentration?
• avoid eating out or social occasions for fear of reacting?
• feel limited in what you can eat and seem to be getting more restricted, worried that your not getting enough nutrients?
• choose what to wear to hide the bloating and don't feel right in your own skin?
• think other conditions such as anxiety, brain fog, joint pain, tiredness, or even hormones may be linked to your IBS?
• feel overwhelmed and not know what to eat?
• feel like you've tried everything, don't know who to listen to or where to go for help?